I had another opportunity to photograph one of the missionary families. If you've spent time on our blog before, you would have seen there faces many times!
It's been fun to know them through their engagement, wedding and then with children. And what a unique opportunity I've had to photograph all those special milestones here and here and here. (I also photographed their wedding but can't seem to find that post!) Enjoy their most recent pictures and their awesomely, energetic toddlers! Woo...have they got their hands full!
It's been fun to know them through their engagement, wedding and then with children. And what a unique opportunity I've had to photograph all those special milestones here and here and here. (I also photographed their wedding but can't seem to find that post!) Enjoy their most recent pictures and their awesomely, energetic toddlers! Woo...have they got their hands full!

my favorite from the day
sweet Stella, we became fast friends this day! i loved finally having some time with these girls!
the adorably rambunctious, Amelia!
can you tell which one's which? they are much easier to keep straight in person (amelia-left; stella-right)