
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Photo of the Week-4/5-4/12


meet jack. meet bienvo.

when i took this photo, as crazy as it sounds, i teared up. yup, i'm generally an emotional sap and it carries into my work on many occasions. i was teary-eyed not because of the quality of the photo but because of what it represents.

when we try to explain to people what parternship really means, we sometimes get blank stares. but when st. john was here this week, i didn't have to explain a thing. they get it.

when you see jack and bienvo's hands, to the outsider it just looks like a nice picture of four hands. but to know the story means to know the partnership it represents. bienvo's hands, the size of bear claws, rough and worn from years of hard labor. jack's hands, small and smooth, lacking in life experience but ripe with possibility. bienvo represents our ministry so incredibly. a hard-working, christian, god-fearing man who wants to make a difference in his community with christ's love while still being relevant to his culture. jack represents three generations of a family who is sold out for christ and believes whole-heartedly in international partnership and the bond of mutual transformation.

four hands, which in most circles would never connect, but in this "circle" finds friendship, comfort and the transforming power of god uniting cultures despite race, language or class.

no other four hands could represent something more powerful, redemptive or influential.

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