
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Photo of the Week-7/19-7/26


in G.O.'s vision statement we speak on transformational partnerships. in my mind, partnership means a lot of things. financial partnership with a national, a missionary or a child in our school or nutrition centers. prayerful partnership and encouraging one another through communication with our Father. christian partnership and being the body of Christ, being like-minded in our cause and mission while here on earth. there are so many facets to the word partnership.

and maybe, partnership doesn't mean the same thing to everyone but transformation is something we can all grasp.

when i look at the picture above, i am initially drawn to the little girls' amazing smile. there is no doubt about the fact that she is having a blast. and maybe that's what we may all see initially when looking at the photo. but shortly there after, i am drawn to the transformed face behind hers. his smile is genuine. his happiness is real. he is being transformed by her just as much as she is being transformed by him. so often when we do missions, whether short-term or long-term, we come to the conclusion that we are going to help. we are going to make a difference. we are going to change the world. and as real and and true as that may be, how many of us know where the actual transformation occurs? it happens within ourselves. when we serve others, when we give our whole selves to other people, we are transformed in ways that we can only feel, and not explain.

we were never meant to be alone. we were designed to live in partnership, serving others, whether it be next door or half-way across the world.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Goody! The pic and the writing...and you are so correct, we weren't meant to live alone. Too many Americans live "alone" and it's so sad. We love having ya'll as neighbors even if for a short time and helping to transform each other :)
