
Thursday, July 7, 2011

EXTRA Photo of the Week-6/28-7/5


do you remember my little godson, marvin? if you don't, you can see his story here. well, this adorable little thing is ten months old now. i can't believe how time has flown.

in the past few weeks i've had a lot of time down in the hole. and i've cherished every second. i've been spending a lot of time with marvin's mom and a new mom that I have met this summer. it's been more than rewarding walking into joanna's house and seeing little marvin smile at me. i even got to give him his bottle the other day and within minutes of his bottle he fell asleep in my arms.

as his mom was hustling around the house cleaning dishes and preparing some food for his sisters, i was just reveling in holding his naked little body close to me. many nights i've been up praying for this family. god never ceases to amaze me at his timing. as i've gotten to spend more time with his mama, around this time his daddy left the family. joanna has been with him since she was 12 and he decided it was enough, apparently. now, this 20 year old mom is left to figure out how to pay rent, feed her children and survive with no income.

the day she told me that he left her, i could see the defeat in her eyes. i wanted to sit there and cry with her, but she wasn't crying, so i decided to do my best and be tough. but god did give me the opportunity to do something i've never done. talk to her about jesus. tell her that he is all we need. tell her that he is the only man that will never let us down. tell her that, if she trusts him, he will provide in ways beyond her comprehension. tell her that he will carry her through this, and that she is not alone.

i can't help but look at little marvin and feel hopeful. hopeful that there will be a man in his life to teach him about being a good husband and father. that will tell him to be committed to his wife and children and to never abandon them. a man; someone; anyone; that will teach him about jesus so he can be different than the other men he is surrounded by.

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